It's the comparison of Greek & Roman cultures in the storeis of Medea & The Aeneid.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Greeks Verses Romans I thought that both of these stories were very interesting to read. The Greeks and Romans had similarities and differences in their cultures. I will discuss the similarities and differences of their cultures, and the stories of Medea and Aeneid. Both the Roman and the Greeks respected and feared their gods. Romans preferred war. It was in their nature to fight. They were raised to battle. Romans were not well rounded; their …

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…at Jason for leaving her. She is very decisive and intelligent and had thought through her actions against Jason before carrying them out. Medea is about a woman who fights back against injustice in a world of men, although her methods are quite shocking. Aeneid is about a woman who fights back against injustice in a world of men, although her methods are quite shocking. I would suggest reading both of these stories to anyone.