Its about radio broadcasting, how to host a radio talk.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Radio Broadcasting Key: SR = Studio Reporter (Lolita Lee)FR = Field Reporter (Linda Lam)H = Hercules SR: Good evening ladies and gentlemen this is Lolita Lee with the 7 o?clock ABC news. Later tonight, an interview with Hercules, the hero with strength of 10 men. We talk to him about his toughest of all missions, his journey to the Underworld. But first tonight, a young woman was killed by the river earlier this evening. Euridice, aged 23, was …

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…welcome SR: Well?s miss your amazing missions after your retirement. H: I?m sure there?ll be other heroes that can do same things or even better than I?ve done. SR: Thank you Hercules H: Pleasure This concludes the 7 o?clock ABC news, join me and Tim Alexandra at 9 for the 9o?clock ABC news, we look at the USA 2000 ELECTION and the issues behind it. This is Lolita Lee, see you then.