Its about an experience with the police

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Three years ago I had one of the most frightening experiences of my life; Having to spend the night in jail. This entire event could have easily been avoided by myself, if I had not over-reacted to the situation. Being sent to jail, for anyone who has not been, is not an exciting encounter, but at least in my own situation, it was not quite as bad as some people make it out to be. …

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…me to explain the situation to him, and I told him exactly what happened. The judge sentenced me to six months of community service, and $1,500 fine. Although this was better then having to go back to jail. In all, I am still angry with myself about what happened, but it was still a very interesting and frightening experience. I doubt there will ever be a repeat of this incident, or at least I hope not.