It is said that Japanese culture is both delicate and fierce; defend this viewpoint with examples.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Japanese culture has a rich tradition of fierceness to its enemies, yet it is also a culture steeped in beauty and grace. The Japanese have been able to transform themselves from a nation that was a military superpower of its time, to its current role as an economic superpower. They have done this by embracing their culture, both the beauty and the aggressiveness. The Samurai warrior is an interesting example of the Japanese fierceness …

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…s, but the Artisans seem have moved up significantly in social stature. The Japanese have been able to embrace the Bushido code and apply it to modern commerce. By applying Bushido to modern economics, Japan has managed to become an Economic superpower during the second half of the 20th Century. Yet during this transformation, Japan did not lose its cultural beauty. There has been a resurgence of the old art forms in modern Japanese culture.