It is on Genghis Khan.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Genghis khan 1.Introduction The purpose of this report is to introduce you to Genghis Khan, how he conquered China and his journey to get there. The Information presented in this report was gathered using the internet, the school library and using text books. 2.Genghis Khan 2.1.Who Was Genghis Khan? Genghis Khan was originally known as Temujin. He was born early in the 1160's an exact date is unknown. His father was chief of the Yakka …

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…fell of his horse. He suffered sever injuries and died in august 21, 1227. After his death Genghis Khan's empire was divided up between his sons. Genghis Khan's empire was one of the largest ever established. 3.Conclusion Genghis Khan was a political and military genius. He invaded and conquered China, using his own military techniques. The purpose of this report was to introduce you to Genghis Khan, how he conquered China and his journey to get there.