Issues and claims about TJ in The Declaration Of Independence

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Issue, Claim, and Reasoning of T. Jefferson The main issue of The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson is to declare the colonies' independence from the Crown of Britain. They believed this to be within their Rights gifted upon them by their Creator. The Declaration of Independence discusses that we were under religious persecution and certain forms of "absolute tyranny" from Britain, so it was necessary to break the bonds that connected them to the …

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…on corrupt decisions and actions. Jefferson explains and states the reasons why the Crown of Britain was indeed a corrupt regime. It can basically be summarized in one of his sayings where "A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People". Jefferson is concluding his reasons with strong words, and lets the reader sense what his feelings towards them.