Is gun control right?

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
For decades, people have been arguing over very many issues in America, such as: the legal system, legalizing drugs, and whether or not the justice system is fair or not. This paper, however, is not on one of those examples. It is on the long asked question of whether or not gun control is needed. Some say that gun control is constitutional, some don't. Some say that a private gun in every home will increase …

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…said it before and I will say it again, the government should just ban all civilian ownership of handguns, but I am sure there are millions of people who say the same thing. It almost seems funny to constantly argue over the same topic for so long, with no progress being made. Who cares whether or not it is constitutional, it is not a decision that will affet your life with the risk of danger.