Is capital punishment an option.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
How should we deal with violent criminals in society? Is capital punishment an option? Discuss. In this essay, I will be discussing, both the pros and the cons of capital punishment and I will be comparing crime rates in the United Kingdom, who don't have capital punishment any more and the US who do in most states. Capital Punishment has been recognized as a civilized way of disposing of the worst criminals by most countries. …

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…The cost. There has been 44 executions carried out since 1976, and each execution costs roughly 24 million dollars. This is a total of 1056 million dollars. This is a huge sum and could be spent on more street police officers and extra security rather than killing someone in an electric chair or some other brutal way. It would cost the state half the amount of money to keep the criminal on life without parole than to kill him.