Is being successful equate to being the best? - When a product sells well, does it mean it is always good?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The most Successful isn't always the Best. When you go out to buy something... I don't know a stereo maybe, what do you look for? What is involved in your decision making process? Well, more likely than not, you would probably consider the brand name... right? Let's just say for example, you want to purchase a Hi-fi. You see an ad in the papers for sound systems and decide to head off to your local …

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…price-tag. Robert Cringley talks about this subject in one of the chapters out his book, Accidental Empires. For example, he talks about how in the past people were making systems, PC's and software which were a lot better than what Microsoft or other giants were coming up with. However, the big names sold more and more whilst those smaller companies, although they had better products sold a lot less. It all came down to marketing.