"Is Terrorism the result of economic dominence?"

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
'Terrorism flourishes with global inequalities'. Throughout geographic history periods of extreme wealth and poverty have resulted in social arrest, conflict over land and resources and acts of violence. Is the current wave of terrorism a result of economic dominance? 'Terrorism is too anaesthetic a word. It is barbaric, brutal mass murder without justification...Terrorism can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime.' Prime Minister John Howard. 14 October, 2002. Any connection between poverty, education, and terrorism is indirect, complicated, …

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…justified economic dominance. So many of histories terrorist attacks can be attributed to religion, to many to ignore and there is also too little factual evidence to support the argument that 'Terrorism flourishes with global inequalities'. Therefore, we will continue to live in a state of unrest and fear that an event such as the recent Bali attacks will occur again, until the correct root of terrorism is targeted and not simply the easy one.