Is Telecommuting Really Worth the Hassle?/Challenges business may face when deciding whether or not employees should telecommute

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Telecommuting has become very popular among employees and employers in the past few years. Employees see it as a way to avoid rush hour traffic, long commutes, and saving on mileage, fuel and child care costs. Employers prefer telecommuting because it increases productivity and saves office space. However, there are many challenges that employees and employers must consider before deciding on telecommuting. I am going to discuss the three most important communication challenges facing a …

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…company. "biggest advantages to telecommuting is not having to commute back and forth to the workplace." This is, by far, an issue that most companys face a huge hurdle with. The challenge businesses face is the loss of the "team" concept when a portion of the employees are telecommuters. While it is technologically possible to link folks together, it does little to replace the "cooler talk" that binds office personnel together! Once again, excellent job!