Is British politics undergoing a process of Europeanisation?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Is British politics undergoing a process of Europeanisation? Almost every aspect of UK politics and policy-making is affected by the EU in some manner. I shall examine the concept of Europeanisation and the different definitions that academics have attributed to this phrase. My discussions will then focus on areas of UK politics that have been significantly impacted by the EU such as policy-making, the judicial system and devolution and those which have been subjected to …

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…consist of a core group of highly integrated states (especially those in EMU) and secondary groups such as the UK and Denmark whom have always viewed European integration as a matter of co-operation rather than a transfer of power to a supranational authority. Despite this, however protective the UK tries to be with it's domestic political system (most recently witnessed by our lukewarm response to the European Constitution) it seems that further Europeanisation is inevitable.