Inventor of the Compact Disc

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The inventor of the compact disc is James T. Russell. He was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. Russell earned a BA in Physics from Reed College in Portland in 1953. In 1965, James started work at the Bettelle Memorial Institute as the senior scientist. That is were he designed and built the first optical data storage system. This invention was created because Russell was unsatisfied with the quality of vinyl records at his time. They always wore …

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…a lot easier. The CD doesn't get worn out from being played, and can resist minor scratches, fingerprints, and being left out in the rain for a few hours. Two benefits of the compact disc are that it provides convenient massive media storage and that it's a device that doesn't wear out by being played. The only disadvantage of the compact disc is that if it gets big scratches, then the data will be corrupt.