Into the Woods Play review

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Once upon a time in a far off kingdom, there lived a young girl on the brink of womanhood, a foolish young lad who loved his cow, an blond-haired child with a red cape, a handsome baker and his pretty wife, a lonely lass with extremely long hair, two handsome princes, a wolf, and a witch. They didn't know each other, but soon, soon...their pitiful lives would all intermingle as they journeyed Into the …

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…writer, always managing to find the perfect words to make his songs work at several levels at once. Most of the songs are amusing, some thought-provoking. A few of the songs are sweet, some angry. They fit the story well, fit the characters well. There were several of Sondheim's trademark group sings where several characters sing about different things at the same time in the same song and they were, as always, masterpieces of timing.