Interracial Adoption.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Interracial Adoption Should children of color have to spend the most vulnerable years of their life in foster care or orphanages simply because a family of their race is unavailable? What if a family of a different race could adopt these children? Should they be put into a stable, loving home, or should they be kept in foster homes hoping that a family of the same-race is found? This process of finding same-race families can …

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…Many children need homes, regardless of their race. I have decided to do my part and adopt a child of a different race because I believe that I can make a difference in the child's life. This is why I strongly support interracial adoption. It is necessary to support interracial adoption and understand that it benefits the children and families involved. Interracial adoption does have a positive effect on America and needs to be supported!