Internet Needs a Dot Kids Domain.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act of 2002 proposes the creation of a second level domain within this Country's United States Top Level Domain that sets aside an address on the Internet and World Wide Web for information that is suitable for minor children of age 12 and younger. Various pro-family groups fully endorse and support this initiative. For example, those at the National Law Center for Children and Families can wholeheartedly say that such a …

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…older kids and adults, they should be able to do so, and if Congress will create an online safe-haven for kids under 13 to find suitable, age appropriate information and entertainment, it should be able to do so. It can and it would be wonderful if it did. Let's salute DotKids and offer our steadfast opinion that it is a lawful and humane effort on behalf of the health, safety, and welfare of our youngest children.