International Dolphin Trade. Dolphin trade from the Solomon Islands and Information on bottlenose dolphins

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Among the Earth's most interesting creatures, we can highlight the most beautiful mammals of the ocean, the dolphins. These magnificent creatures roam the warm oceans of the world in search of food and fun. They are recognized for their intelligence worldwide and it is because of this that they are in high demand all around the world. Many organizations require these dolphins for studies and behavioral experiments, but in other parts of the world, dolphins …

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…stop the problem immediately, using international conventions as proof, by freezing all funding related to endangered animal transportation and to block all operation of animal transport in the Solomon Islands. If the Islands continue to try to bend international ruling, economic sanctions would be in place for the country. It is my opinion that by maybe scaring Solomon authorities, dolphin trade would cease for the moment, and dolphins could freely swim again through their waters.