Intelligence: The Key to Success in "The fly" by Mai Vo-Dinh.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Astronomy
Intelligence can be interpreted in many different ways, whether it is in school, work, or at home. Cleverness can be used to solve a problem or a crisis. Mai Vo-Dinh, in her story "The fly" uses a young boy to represent perspicacity. The young boy uses that perspicacity to get out of a crisis. He utilizes this intelligence to trick a rich man which results in resolving his family's problem. The young boy's intelligence is …

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…him into admitting that he made a promise, and accepting the promise from him. The rich man was fooled by the child several times, which leads to solving his dilemma of paying off a debt. The intelligence of the boy saves the whole family, financially by scamming the old man in many ways. The young boy uses his sharpness to figure out a way to get out of this crisis by tricking the rich man.