Intellectual Property Law in Australia.

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Case study outlining the following: * Copyright law in Australia * Legislative requirements for registering Trademark * Tort of Passing Off * Trade Practices Act: Misleading and deceptive conduct * Registration under the Designs Act In order to advise Mondo Designs on whether their intellectual property rights are recognised in Australia it is essential to identify prima facie their intellectual property seeking protection. Namely Mondo are concerned with the protection of their computer software Mondo 2000, their fabric and jewellery. Mondo …

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…also have a natural right to intellectual property rights because they have invested labour into producing the work and have applied their creative personality into the products. Designs registration infers a "copyright" upon the owners of designs for fabrics. Although copyright usually exists at the time of creation this gives added protection. In practical terms, the registration of every design would be quite expensive, however given the competitive industry; the protection would outweigh this cost.