Information on the best known marsupials - the koala and the kangaroo

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
The Koala and the Kangaroo are the best know marsupials, meaning they have a pouch in which they carry their young. Koalas' have thick wooly fur that is an ash-grey colour. Koalas' have an excellent balance and strong claws so that they can climb the trees with ease. They grow to about two feet long. When they are born they are about 3/4 of an inch. They baby Koala called a Joey lives in its mothers' …

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…groups led by an old male. They graze on grass close to the ground. Kangaroos' only go on all fours when they want to eat. The front legs are much smaller then their hind legs. Their huge hind legs are extremely powerful, leaping up to 25 feet and at the speed of about 30 miles an hour. When they feel threatened, the Kangaroos' will balance on their big muscular tail, and use their hind legs as weapons.