Information on computer viruses that I researched.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
Computer viruses infect a computer in three basic ways: when a user (1) opens an infected file, (2) runs an infected program, or (3) powers on the computer with an infected disk in a disk drive. Today, the most common way a computer becomes infected with a virus is when a user opens an infected e-mail attachment.c Methods that guarantee a computer or network is totally safe from computer viruses simply do not exist. Users can take …

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…a specified time. Finally, stay informed about new virus alerts and virus hoaxes. A virus hoax is an e-mail message that warns users of a nonexistent virus. Often, the virus hoaxes are in the form of a chain letter that requests the user to send a copy of the e-mail to as many people as possible. Instead of forwarding the e-mail, visit a Web site that publishes a list of virus alerts and virus hoaxes.