Information about Lord Vishnu.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Lord Vishnu's saga begins with Lord Shiva. Shiva was so infuriated by man's wickedness that he transformed himself into Bhairave, a wrathful form. Shiva, in the form of Bhairave, started his destructive rampage, he ripped out the hearts of humans and drank their blood. Vishnu came to the help of humanity, he asked Bhairave to stop slaughtering. Bhairava's response was, "I will go on killing until my6 bowl is filled with enough blood to quench …

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…the three are the trinity. Vishnu is the preserver, he protects all of humanity and saves mankind from disaster which derives from our weaknesses. Vishnu's devotee's usually pray to him to protect them, and when they pray for peace. Many Hindu's believe that some of the world's most famous peacemakers were avatars of Vishnu such as Jesus, Buddha and even Noah. Vishnu is usually depicted with four attributes, a conch, disc, club and a lotus.