Inflation in Russia

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Pages: 34
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Introduction The term inflation (from latin - a swelling) for the first time began to use in America during the Civil war 1861-1865. However inflation is known to people since money have widely started to be used in economic exchange. By inflation we mean a general rise in prices throughout the economy. During the 1950s and 1960s, rates of inflation were generally low in the advanced industrialized economies. In the early 1970s, however, inflation rose …

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…evelopment of anti-inflationary actions it is necessary to take into account the price of inflation which depends on what methods are used with the state in the policy. The choice is defined by a concrete socio- economic and political situation in country: a level of real earnings, a condition of an industry, an agriculture and other base branches for country, scales of budget gap, a condition and prospects of development of foreign economic relations, etc.