Independent thinking.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
To be or not to be, an independent thinker? People such as William Shakespeare, and Edgar Allen Poe were independent thinkers. Poe, the master of style, was the type of person who stood out. He was the first to look into the deep corners of his mind. "... darkness there and nothing more." This simple phrase in the poem "The Raven" reminds me of how different he was from others of his time. Independent thinkers are …

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…of teens are not interested in what could be, but what is. We are afraid that our peers will not accept our new thoughts. The National Honor Society should help make us the best of the best. They will help us to make and uphold the rules that are fair and just. This is the reason that the National Honors Society is of great use to the members since they are the future, our future.