In Tenessee Williams' 'The Glass Menagerie', Amanda says to Tom, 'Go to the moon you selfish dreamer' (pg 96). How far do you agree with this statement?

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This accusation of Amanda is really insulting Tom in two ways - firstly as being self - centred and secondly of being a dreamer. We understand that this is meant to hurt Tom by the fact that Amanda is truly angry and the statement is powered by a sense of nastiness and hurtful feelings towards Tom. From the book 'Through the Glass Menagerie', there is the suggestion that Tom is really a dreamer. That he …

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…to find those dreams and make them a reality - to little success. He is completely selfless in his retrospective opinion on Laura and Amanda and does not dream of a better day, he regrets that's his better day is so far away from Laura. His past is a haunting from him that taints his dreams and fantasies, and as he implies he regrets leaving Laura, but 'time is the greatest distance between two people'.