In American society today, Muslims and teenagers are demonized. Describes the stereotypes and why it should stop.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Today in our terror-stricken American society, Muslims and all those of middle eastern origin are definitely demonized. Teenagers are also conceived as "impolite thieves". The media, the fear that all Americans have (which is spread through the media), and prejudice all contributes to these pre-conceived, ignorant notions. Ever since the beginning of western civilization, most Americans have had a strong disliking for Middle Eastern people. A combination of factors causes this. The fact that they're …

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…every single time the fear is unwarranted. Teenagers are also demonized. Enter a corner store - you get the cashier coming up to you, interrogating you with his eyes, asking "May I help you?" This translates to "buy something quickly or leave." Yes, teenagers have stolen things - but do they all? There is not much to say on this, except for the fact that it's a bad stereotype, and I wish it would stop.