Imerialism - A paper on what imperialism is, how it came to be, and it's effects on Europe and today's society.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Between the years of the 15th and 18th centuries, European nations flourished. They gained control over a majority of the Western Hemisphere. From 1880 and 1914, Western powers set out to gain power in many places such as Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. This was known as "new imperialism". What exactly is Imperialism? Imperialism is the policy or action by which one country owns another country or territory. Most such control is achieved by military means to …

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…altered by Western Imperialism. Today, we can still hear the echo's of Western Imperialism in day to day society. If it were not for such actions, many civilizations would have never become industrialized (such as Asia and Africa becoming more technologically advanced), and we may not have had such diverse culture within our own society. Imperialism may have caused much harm back in it's rule ... but some of the side effects have benefited our world.