Imagine you were present at Socrates' trial. Write a short speech in which you either state why he should be declared innocent or why he should be found guilty.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"NOT GUILTY" Socrates is a good man. He has spoken truthfully and in a straight forward manner. This is a man who not only has made his first appearance in court, but, is seventy years of age, is unfamiliar with court dialect and still has made himself a very strong defence. Unfortunately, Socrates has already been condemned by his previous, more formidable accusers, those men who have told all of you at your most impressionable …

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…secrets. So what kind of man is Socrates? His life is centred around virtue, for: "Virtue is knowledge". He believes that "the unexamined life is not worth living" and in all honesty, how many of us are so perfect that we need not examine our life? Bibliography: * 'The Examined Life' - Edited by Louise J. Scerri (assisted by Frank Grech and Lino Briguglio) * 'The Last Days of Socrates' - Plato (translated originally by Hugh Tredennick)