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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
ICELAND It's hard to think of Iceland as a vacation as a vacation spot. Way up there, in the middle of nowhere, a tiny island in the vast Atlantic Ocean, and there is the name Iceland (Brrrr.) There's no doubt Iceland tourist board faces a serious marketing challenge, but those who dare to venture this far north will be richly rewarded. This European nation's name is an early example of bait and switch. Long ago, …

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…drink and dance until the sun comes up. The party starts at midnight and runs until four AM. Just walk through central Reykjavik along Bankastraetl street, and there is something for everyone to do. Most of the clubs are techno pop, with a few that play disco. Getting there from the west cost. SFO round trip to Reykjavik, Iceland. Cost about $754.00 Stay at the Radisson SAS Saga Hotel in Reykjavik. It's a four star hotel.