I will disprove popular belief that Jacksonian Democrats prompted political democracy, equal opportunity, and personal liberty.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Jacksonian Democrats are often viewed as prompting political democracy, equal opportunity, and personal liberty. Based on your knowledge of the 1820s, to what extent do you agree with this view? When Jackson took office in 1829 he led, with pride, a new band of politicians. These politicians, the Jacksonian Democrats, had not been born into aristocracy, but instead, had worked and earned their own positions. Jacksonian Democrats are often viewed as prompting political democracy, equal opportunity, …

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…because it was not until the 1830s that these ideas really caught on and expanded. Though the bulk of the movements occurred while Jackson was president, he did very little to encourage them, because they needed little encouragement. The Americans, in their never-ending quest for freedom and democracy had stumbled upon these expansions all on their own. This had been the pattern prior to, and would prove to be the pattern henceforth of American society.