Hurricanes 4

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Hurricane, name applied to migratory tropical cyclones that originate over oceans in certain regions near the equator, and particularly to those arising in the West Indian region, including the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane-type cyclones in the western Pacific are known as typhoons. Hurricanes are high winds that move in a circular motion, around an eye (a low pressure center of a storm). The diameter of the area affected by winds of …

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…is the province of the marine meteorological service. A closely related function is performed by observation centers in the Tropics, which, as part of the hurricane and storm-warning service, issue advice and warnings from June through October, the critical hurricane season. Hurricanes are an enormous danger to all people in all countries. Many will die, buildings will fall, and nation ruined, until we can do something about them. Until we can take cover and run