"Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo.

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In The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie, Victor Hugo shows how life was in the city of Paris. This story takes place in the late-fourteenth century. With differences all around it was hard for a person to gain respect without good looks or social status. In this paper I will mainly discuss the story of Quasimodoe and Esmeralda the beautiful gypsy and how torture. Torture was a very popular way of punishment back in the …

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…part in the United States. Torture isn't as brutal as it was but it still could play a major part fighting terrorism. Torture was used often and couldn't be avoided too much, but now they use torture as a last resort. The Hunchback of Notre Dame displayed many ways of torture well throughout the film. Without torture, laws would be a lot easier to break, and society would break down which showed in the movie.