Humbert's obsession with Lolita, lust vs. love in "Lolita" by Nabakov

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The relationship between Humbert Humbert and Lolita, is highly undefined. Many readers who have read Lolita find it to be based on "lust", while others find Humbert to truly be in "love" with his Lolita. However, there is evidence that Humbert's desire for Lolita is based on some obsessive-compulsive behavior which he cannot control, and therefore keeps returning for her. Humbert's obsessions can be clearly recognized in his behaviors when looked upon in H. R. …

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…of a rudimentary swimsuit patterned against her tan" (125). Lolita is a very complicated novel to analyze due to the many interpretations made by different individuals. However, it is apparent that Humbert was suffering from some sort of obsessive disorder. It is apparent merely in what Humbert talks about and how he says it. There are few instances in the novel where Humbert is not speaking about Lolita or fascinating about having absolute domination over nymphets.