How do you explain the rise and fall of the Bretton Woods system? and the creation of an optimal currency area?

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How do you explain the rise and fall of the Bretton Woods system? How far the emergence of the Euro can be seen against the background of the need for exchange rate stability and the creation of an optimal currency area? 1)<Tab/>The rise and fall of the Bretton Woods system: The origins of the Bretton Woods system are to be found in the convergence of several key conditions: the shared …

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…lt;Tab/>, 1998 (EMI / ECB). 4)<Tab/>Eichengreen B., 1993, "European Monetary Unification", Journal of Economic Literature (pp.1321-57). 5)<Tab/>Huhne C., Forder J., 2001, "Both sides of the coin", Profile Books Ltd. 6)<Tab/>Mundell R.A., Friedman M., 2001, "One world, one money"?, Options Politiques. 7)<Tab/>Mundell R.A., 1961, "A theory of optimum currency areas", American Economic Review.