How to define terrorism.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Following the dramatic events of September 11, 2001, the issue of terrorism has become a permanent actor in the daily amphitheater of international politics. Elevated from its formerly amateur status, this evolving phenomenon has not only captured the substantial absorption of the United States, but increasingly, the rest of the world. It seems ironic that such a captivating subject remains so elusive, as despite the attention given towards terrorism, there is much consternation as to what it …

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…own judgments upon it. It seems imperative that the conceptual confusion cease, and the leaders and the intellectuals of the society have great responsibilities to do so at the present time. For when individuals are aware of a single definition of terrorism, they will no longer have to ask what it is, as they will know when they see it. Rather, they will ask a different question, whether they choose to justify it or not.