How to be a wise buyer. The tricks to wise buying. How to avoid scams, and what to do if one occurs.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
In any industry there are two parties. The consumer and the seller. The Consumer is the one who is willing to buy products, where the Seller is the party willing to Sell products. The two parties are very different and some times disputes may arise between the two. The following paragraphs will explain A. What problems can arise and how to avoid these problems and B. What to do under the circumstances. This text is …

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…lodge a complaint at the Small claims tribunal (SCT). Once you have lodged a complaint it may take a month or so before your case is heard. The previous paragraphs contain information on, who can help with these problems, and how these problems can be avoided. This paper was written in hope that the reader will have a new awareness of the legal & business structure that plays a major role in many lives today.