How the young generation, helped Bill Clinton win his elections.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Shane Smith Politics Speech1 How the young generation, helped Bill Clinton win his elections Quotes: He answers his questions very honest, cocky, and sometimes almost resembles a classic American rock star. "You know the one thing that is wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have there fair say."(So if you disagree with Clinton, you shouldn't have a fair say) "You don't need an uzi to go deer hunting, and you don't …

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…room with kids and listened to the kids problems. So that's why we voted for him. "He's probably the best politician the world has ever seen. He has positioned himself correctly, moved towards the middle and can be all things to all people." John Hammerschmidt "Bill Clinton has been a true leader of the western world. He has been a friend and a counsel to me and other leaders right around the world." Tony Blair