How light intensity effects vitamin C?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Introduction Ascorbic acid, commonly known as Vitamin C, is important to the human diet. It helps the body form connective tissue, bone, teeth, blood vessel walls, and assists the body in assimilating iron and amino acids. A diet deficient in Vitamin C may cause a person to develop scurvy. Symptoms of this disease, which include joint stiffness, nose bleeds, swollen and bleeding gums, livid spots on skin, and prostration (extreme physical weakness), can be prevented …

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…the two solutions are about the same, the intensity of the indophenol is much brighter than that of the cornstarch-iodine solution. Make sure you "swirl" the indophenol/cornstarch-iodine solution after the addition of each drop of juice. (A swirl is when you hold the container at the top and circle the bottom of the container to stir the liquid.) Make sure that all bottles are labeled. (