How has your perception of "in the wild" been illuminated by "Bladerunner" and "Brave New world"?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
"Brave New World" written by Aldous Huxley is a compelling novel which represents a bleak dystopic future. It was influenced by many happenings during Aldous Huxley's time. One is that of the strict class structure of England where people are born into a class and become stuck, their class determined by their speech. He was influenced by the advent of the Model T Ford which allowed for greater travel and the influence of Mass Production. …

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…him inserting a nail into his hand alluding to Jesus being nailed to a cross. The centre shot of Roy naked at the end holding a white dove emphasises the serenity of the situation as Roy is shown as being very pure and white. The In the wild module reveals that there are core human values which must not be disrupted and man's relation with himself and the wild are part of what defines humanity.