How gods intervene in mortals' lives, and how fate and free will are not mutually exclusive and they both go on throughout "The Odyssey".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Throughout history fate vs. free will has been debated over and over. Do we really have control over our lives, or are there higher beings controlling our lives? When we look at Greek Mythology we often run into the gods of that era. Sometimes they are merely backdrops to the human element of the story, but in The Odyssey, the gods play a prominent if not vital role to the central themes of the story. …

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…and how we do it, on the other hand, we could take full responsibility for our lives and own up to the fact that we made decisions by ourselves and we have to live with them. I would like to believe that there is a bigger picture and that things happen for a reason, almost like fate, but we still get to choose for ourselves where we will go and how we will get there.