How financial modelling techniques can be used by CPA?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Microsoft Excel enables user to recalculate complete spreadsheet quickly to evaluate different outcomes. There are some modeling techniques that user can use as a comparison for making financial decisions from several variables (Presto, pg. 326). They are Sensitivity analysis, goal seeking and sensitivity analysis. I.<Tab/>Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis is "a process of analysis the changing of a single variable in a small increments or decrements to see how sensitive model …

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…table, Excel substitutes a series of different values for two input values in a formula (Harvey, 620). These are steps that to do the sensitivity analysis by using Data Table, as shown below. 1.<Tab/>Construct the formula for the monthly payment of the loan. 2.<Tab/>Select the cells that will be used for the table which include the term range and the interest rate range in the table.