How enviroment and geographical location affected the early river valley civilizations of, Egypt, Indus Valley, and Mesopotamia.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Environment, Geographical Location, and its Affects on The Early River-Valley Civilizations Food, shelter, fertile land, and trade were essential for early river-valley civilizations. Without food, shelter, fertile land, and trade early river-valleys where doomed for any future success in the land. Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley are examples of some early river-valley civilizations that relied heavily on its geographies and Mother Nature. For early river-valley civilizations in Egypt the Nile River played a crucial …

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…and harvest two crops a year. With a bad environment and a bad geographical location an early river-valley civilization didn't have much of a chance surviving. Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley were some of the lucky locations where their environment and geographical location benefited them greatly. Egypt would have had barely any water, Mesopotamia wouldn't have been able to trade, and the Indus Valley would have had been deserted without each locations geographical gift.