How does the Church ritualise important moments in our lives to develop our spiritual growth and deepen our relationship with God? - 7 Sacraments

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The church ritualises important moments in our lives through the seven sacraments. Sacraments are visible signs or symbols of Gods love and presence. They help to strengthen the Christian person's life so they can carry out the mission of Jesus to bring everyone closer to God. They fill Christians with the new life of Jesus in order to inspire and transform us. The seven commandments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage …

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…in the name of the Church. You dedicate your life to God and his ways. It gives the priest more freedom to understand and learn more about God. To receive Holy Orders a man has to have been baptised. The sacraments are an important part of the Catholic Liturgy. They give grace the most important moments of a person's life. They strengthen us to continue the mission of Jesus to draw everyone closer to God.