How does William Wordsworth's poetry fit into the literary tradition of Romanticism?

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Romantic poetry was an artistic movement of the late 18th and early 19th century. It dealt with nature, human imagination, childhood and the ability to recall emotional memories of both happiness and sadness. Before Wordsworth began writing his revolutionary new style of poetry, all preceding poetry had a very different style. The reason these poems were classed as revolutionary was because he believed that romantic poetry should describe "incidents of common life" and ordinary people …

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…a trouble to my dreams" In conclusion, the reason Wordsworth's poetry fits into the literary tradition of Romantic Poetry is that he complies with and uses all aspects of Romanticism in his poetry. He believed what he wrote was important and he had a great love for nature, which is why I think his poetry was so powerful. He was a revolutionary and new poet who could reach out to the ordinary people. Sean McQuade