How does Harper Lee use minor characters in To Kill a Mockingbird to explore some of the main concerns in the novel?

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How does Harper Lee use minor characters in To Kill a Mockingbird to explore some of the main concerns in the novel? ----------------------------------- Harper Lee uses minor characters in a variety of different ways to help explore and expose some of the main concerns brought up in the book, ranging from strict town morals, justice, all the way to racism and death due to racism. I have chosen to outline some of the ways in …

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…to show the reader some of the issues at hand in the book. Whether it be a girl pretending to have been raped to highlight the levels of injustice and the racial prejudice in the book, or whether its Heck Tait acting under the powerful words of a white person to do wrong to blacks, or his truth shielding to help a white man stay out of prison for a crime he really did commit.