How do story telling techniques in Japanese animation differ to the western tradition?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
'Misfit Lit': comics and graphic novels How do story telling techniques in Japanese comic media differ to the western tradition? The differences between the Eastern, Anime and Manga and the Western, Comic and Cartoon counterparts are clear from the outset. Apart from the obvious contrast in styles, there are many more distinctions that can be made between the two. The words Anime and Manga refer to two separate and distinct, but interrelated things. The word …

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…always been popular in America, going back to the classics of the past like Charlie Chaplin and the Three Stooges, and the Warner Brothers Studios have developed this technique well in cartoon format. But it does not seem that the Disney films would be a great a success as the Japanese imports in America. ''This need for escape or need to protect themselves from reality seems to be indicative of the American society''. Elliot Johnson