How did the economic program of Alexander Hamilton help revitalize the American Economy?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
One of the pressing problems facing George Washington and his new administration was the economical and financial strains of America. The state government had accumulated a massive debt and with continued interest, was growing at astronomical rates. To the United States, the cost of Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War was immense and was the beginning of America's financial and economical down fall. How was America going to correct its economical and financial situation? …

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…Blessing: The extraordinary Life and Times of our National Debt. New York, Walter & Co., 1997 Mulford, R.J. The Political Theories of Alexander Hamilton. Balitmore, John Hopkins University, 1903 Parks, James R. European Origins of the Economic Ideas of Alexander Hamilton. New York, A New York Times Company, 1997 Swanson, Donald F. The Origins of Hamilton's Fiscal Policies. Florida, University of Florida Monographs, 1963 Taylor, George R. Hamilton and the Nation Debt. Boston, D.C Heath & Co., 1950