How christian was seneca

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
How Christian was Seneca? Seneca was born 4 years before Jesus Christ, so it was probable that the eventual teacher of Nero was influenced by the words of Jesus Christ. His first point was about the crowds and the abhorrent gaming going on everywhere. Nothing stopped this crowd from yelling for more as they saw a man get ripped apart by a lion or two men battle to the death with swords and spears. He had …

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…beyond ordinary Roman thought. You can summarize this passage by saying that meaningless death and the influence of this bloodlust on young minds disgusted Seneca. He also told us not to hate these people but turn inward and try to find a solution, by finding and joining others like us. He was most adamant about his equal love for one man and a crowd of men. These all belong to the Christian idea of love.