How are the gender roles represented in Australian Short stories? (from The Penguin Best Australian Short Stories) Comparing three stories, how do they change over time?

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The representation of Gender roles is an issue expressed in "The Penguin best Australian Short stories" collection. The issues of gender are expressed through gender inequality, stereotypical gender roles, the economic basis of marriage, and the expectations of women. These beliefs and their changes as the stories became more modern are presented through the stories, 'Monsieur Caloche', "The Lottery' and "A Gentleman's Agreement. The representation of gender inequality is expressed in the story Monsieur Caloche (1889) …

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…seen through the presentation of gender inequality, stereotypical gender roles, the economic basis of a family and the expectations of women. The change in female characters from the oppressed in 'Monsieur Caloche' to the more dominant in "A gentleman's agreement' explains that there was a variation of gender roles for the characters, especially female characters, who not only fulfil their own roles but the roles of a stereotypical male as the stories became more modern.