How a good print advertisement is made?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Advertisement is basically a collective term for public announcement designed for sale of a product or commodity or service. It can be informative, persuasive, misleading, boring or even useless. It is up to the producer of the advertisement that how does he makes it a good one. The first thing one needs to take into account is that it should attract readers no matter whoever the reader is. It should provide such a structure and …

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…and footers, Headline and title, Subheads, Body copy, Pull quotes, Visuals, Captions and White space to make a good and effective advertisement. What one does not needs to do is to overuse desktop publishing techniques that can hinder legibility or readability and offend readers. Readers will become frustrated if they must hunt for the body text among the charts, boxes, borders and rules or if they cannot identify a picture because it has been over-manipulated.